The sentiment of questioning the status quo that's binding most people into dealing with their anxieties as an island rather than being able to discuss and challenge their sources together with one's community is very similar to what I have read of yours in the Spectator. I'm excited for you to be on this new platform where you'll have more space to expand on your ideas.

I also took this opportunity to finally unsubscribe from the dozens of useless mailing lists I'm on that clog up my inbox, just so that your emails don't get buried under a mountain of advertisement and irrelevance. So thank you for that unexpected benefit of inviting me to read your essays.

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Loved the fish intro, but you got me at "Healthcare at Go-Fund-Me-Complex". And Pleeeze! not "We just have to understand each other better." I had a client email me this:


the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Then "Peace and Joy".

Well meaning and nice person, but I reminded this person that "actions speak louder than words." She actually does help friends and family. She is always broke because she is constantly giving her money and time to them. But like many, if not most, liberals who got all resisty in the last 4 years, they throw phrases around like "empathy" as if some politician like Biden or Clinton who says "I feel your pain" will actually give two hoots about your inability to pay your rent or find a healthcare plan you can afford. Talk about bubbles!

So Prem, how do we unite the working class with the pie-in-the-sky kids of the professional managerial class to take down the system? To put our bodies into the machine as Mario Savio said in my day. (1960s). If you read the history of populism, of Thomas Paine's ideas, you realize that the powers that be are ruthless in putting this down. In the 19th century, they made sure that the white working class (mostly Irish, Serbs, Poles,) did not unite with the rural blacks and the rural white farmers/ranchers who were being screwed. It continues to this day.

Your article on David Morris is part of this continual fight to bring us together despite the elites wanting to pull us apart. But it is a battle.

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